Thursday, January 5, 2012


I am active on several news media discussion boards. Recently I had another poster call me a redneck scare monger. This is my response to that one:

Funny, I have never been called a redneck before.

If being raised on a century farm in Ontario makes me one then so be it. If being a redneck means that I care about rural residents across Canada, I gladly accept the title. If speaking my mind about what is happening to farmland and wilderness says I'm a redneck then call me one all you like.  If saying that huge wind or power installations are a massive rip off of the public and harm the environment indicates a redneck then I accept the title with pride. It is my dream to return home and be the kind of redneck who has solar panels on my roof and a small, efficient wind turbine, reducing my reliance on the grid.

You said I was being a fear monger. I prefer to think of myself as a member of the opposition, raising the alarm. Many years ago, the government actually said smoking as good for you!  I would be proud to know that one person is inspired by my posts to do the research for themselves.


  1. If you are/were a farmer, your neck is bound to be red, from sunburn; so, the name-calling is just that, name-calling from persons who have no argument. Personal attacks are proof the attacker is someone who has nothing to say of importance but who attacks because he/she is angry you don't support their view(s). They need the support of others because any position they have taken is purely ideological (reactionary) and otherwise baseless. And if no one agrees with them?

    CONTINUE your fight against the terrible Turbines; please, also, add links to wind opposition sites on your sidebar: Blogger makes this very easy for you. Two examples:, and,

  2. Thank you for your encouragement. I added some links as you suggested.
